Thursday, January 26, 2006

No fun today...

Well, I was right about Flagstaff and it snowed on us the whole way up there. But I did get some of the watercoror pencils I was looking for. I guess it was worth it... I really hate the snow...

Today we went out and about... Visted the Dr. and found out I've got carpal tunnel something or another. Both hands in splints. Makes for interesting typing and should be interesting painting and bead making also... I just hope I don't set myself on fire at the torch! Can see my insurance rates skyrocketing and the need for surgery increasing!

Mike's working at the torch as I type this, so we might have something up on the webpage before listing on eBay this week... I'm considering the notion of giving all our Blog readers and Gallery regulars first shot at our beads from now on. So you'll get a preview of the upcoming weeks auctions and a chance to buy them outright if you visit our gallery site.

I hope you know how much you're appreciated by us!


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