Monday, January 09, 2006

It's a Glass Day!

I think today was a pretty good glass day. I was blessed with numerous ideas for the canvas while I was at the torch! I love being able to switch media whenever I feel like it. Or continue a theme on to another medium.

I think I'm starting to get the urge to go back to fiber arts for a bit. Might put a kick into the glass and paints. Can't hurt, so I think I'll dig out the loom in the near future.

The studio setup is coming along quite nicely! I really need to get shelf liner and cedar strips for the yard drawers, though. It helps that there's so much more room in the new studio than in the old! At least Mike and I don t need to sit on top of each other to get anything done anymore! I'll post pics to the website as soon as we're up and running (studio and site!).

I'll be listing beads tomorrow for 5 Day auction, I think... We haven't done a longer auction in some time. It will be fun to see how it goes!


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